October 2019 Justin’s Place Graduation Ceremony

Table of Contents


Vann Ellison
President & CEO, St. Matthew’s House

Rev. Jaci Smith Patman

Vann Ellison

Alumni Testimonial Video
Arti Burnham

Program Testimonials
Tracie Adkins
Tyler Penticoff

Holecek Award Presentation

Commitment Pledge
Kathryn Bausman, Director of Justin’s Place Women’s Program

I will live my life of freedom to the utmost. I will honor my
mind, body and spirit by maintaining a relationship with
God. I dedicate myself to completing Justin’s Place
Recovery Program.

I will honor this commitment by bettering my life
for myself, my family, and my community here today.
I seek to serve Christ and ask His guidance upon my
life day by day, so I can shine as a light of hope in a
dark world.

By honoring this commitment, I am building a life free
of harmful substances and a future dedicated to
serving others and giving back the gift of freedom,
that was so graciously extended to me.

Awards Presentation
Peter Johnson, Vice President of Development
Dwayne Gordon, Vice President of Recovery Programs
Kathryn Bausman, Director of Justin’s Place Women’s Program
Art VanZanten, Director of Justin’s Place Men’s Program
Travis Hanrahan, Justin’s Place Program Director
Parker Stephen, Development Officer

Program Video
“It’s Not Over Yet”

Ending Comments & Benediction
Vann Ellison


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