Let’s Pray Together

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Dear Friends of St. Matthew’s House,

We welcome the opportunity to pray with you and for you. At St. Matthew’s House we have witnessed the power of prayer in transformed lives, reunited families and the way our ministry has touched our community.

We have also experienced many answered prayers for gifts of time, talent and treasure. And we’ve heard about the prayers of our team members making such a difference in the lives of others.

The prayer requests that we receive every week are lifted up to our Lord and Savior. There have been many prayer requests for healing during this difficult time with COVID. We will continue to pray for our community, our healthcare workers and first responders.

And together we pray for good health as we approach this holiday season.

Blessings from the entire staff of St. Matthew’s House,

Steve Brooder
Chief Operating Officer

Fill out your prayer request in the box below:

Create your own user feedback survey


  • SilverSons delivered from drug and alcohol addictions. My sister Ernestine healed from COVID-19 and regains all her strength in Jesus name!
  • Prayers for Laura as she’s going through a hard time and seeks God’s guidance.
  • BarbaraMy daughter’s close friend Justin was in a bad motorcycle accident and has had 2 surgeries
  • SalI’d like prayers so I can start my new job
  • ReshamMy relative has met with an accident. She’s kept on ventilator. Doctors have said there is no chance. Please pray for her recovery
  • UmaPray for reducing continuous tumor pain on head
  • DeonMy mother has been ill for many years. A dynamic scholar, dementia is taking her from us during the most tumultuous time. Not only have we suffered other losses this month, last year I lost my little sister. I need to get home to my mother, but anxiety grief have me paralyzed with fear and I am getting nothing done. Please pray that my mother gain strength and that she remain with us until we are ready. Pray that God allow me to get there in time and that he guide me through the clutter resulting from the depression I deal with daily. Thank you.
  • JimPresident Trump and family for the loss of their brother
  • DianaPrayer for negative covid-19 test results for Guzman/Lopez family. For those affected by the coronavirus to recover and heal.
  • DianaPrayer for negative covid-19 test results for Miyah.
  • MariaPray for my son Amador. He was diagnosed with Covid.
  • SylviaMy brother Jimmy; heal his lungs and his breathing so he can get off the ventilator. Get that covid-19 out of his body. He been in the hospital for a month. Pray for his healing.
  • Sandi – My son in law is on a ventilator, his mom just passed from Covid! He is devastated and so is my daughter and rest of family. Needs prayer for peace and comfort
  • April – Please pray for my brother Johnny who just found out he has COVID-19. He lives alone and does not have anyone to care for him. He has decided to quarantine at home instead of the hospital. We live in two different states. Please keep him lifted in prayer for his healing from this virus. Thank you in advance.
  • Anna – Just tested positive for coronavirus
  • Clarissa – Pray for Isabel in ICU with Covid-19
  • Minnie – My neighbor’s son is missing. Please pray with us that he will show up. His mother is very worried about him.
  • Elra – Please pray for my nephew Brandon who’s battling homelessness I believe he’s suffering mental health issues. I ask God to protect him as he isolates himself from the family.
  • Karen – Waiting for results of my Covid test
  • Grace – Please pray for me and my partner Ashraf for reconciliation.
  • Anonymous – We need a prayers for our friend Winsome who is affected by covid.
  • Sonia – My father Mathias is suffering from esophagus cancer. Please pray for his healing.he is having pain and lost his appetite. Please pray for his complete recovery
  • Marites – Please pray for us, for the negative result of our swab test. And also to protect us in Covid-19. Thank you amen.
  • Jordan – Better employment and financial stability for my family
  • Tracy – Prayer for son Alonzo, deliverance and healing in Jesus Name. Amen!
  • R – I‘m a single parent, blessed with one daughter. I have lost my job. Please pray for me to get a job with higher salary. I have lost my peace and I’m totally broken hearted.
  • Jayla – Pray for my husband. People are dying at unit in Beeville with Covid. Please Lord cover him and protect him. Please help my husband survive this terrible crisis . Free him and Deliver him.
  • Myra – Dear Prayer Warriors, I am writing to request prayer for my mama, Rakhil. She was diagnosed with Complete Heart Block last Sunday and suggested a pacemaker. The procedure is done but she is weak and antibiotics are causing her trouble. She is diabetic with a history of Hep C. I am praying for a miracle in our lives through her complete healing in Jesus name, Amen.
  • Debra – My cousin was told he has lung cancer and colon cancer and one month to live. I believe in a miracle.
  • Maria – My granddaughter; she is positive with covid but no symptoms.
  • Irma – Say a prayer for my family. My biological dad has to be taken off the ventilator. He’s had several strokes and is brain dead.
  • Lloyd & Sharon – Prayers for diving healing for multiple medical issues
  • Yazheni – Please pray for my dad who is diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. We need him at any cost. Pray for a miraculous recovery please.
  • Janet – My husband is in a nursing home. He got Covid. He is asymptomatic so he has been in quarantine for 3 weeks.
  • Alai – My mother was tested positive for covid and I came in close contact with her.
  • Petunia Son in law is testing for Covid as is asthmatic
  • Lonnie I have a daughter that has had a lot happen to her. She had a tumor on her kidneys at the age of 5 and is free from cancer thank you Jesus. Now she is seven and just had to be lifted in a helicopter to a children hospital with blockages in her intestines. Please pray for her healing. Her name is Serenity.
  • Wanda – Pray for continued health and strength for myself, my husband, my son, my grandkids, and all my relatives and friends.
  • Felix & Brenda – Covid-19; Family experienced a loss
  • Sarah – Myself; I am a front line worker exposed to covid
  • Aeg – Pray that Jason & his family trust Jesus as their Savior and Lord. They don’t believe God exists.
  • David – Anxiety, addiction, insomnia
  • Nita – Please pray for my sister Delphine who has coronavirus. Please pray for God’s healing power over her. Please pray that God will protect me and my other family members from this virus. Psalm 91:4-5 says, He shall cover you with his pinions, and you shall find refuge under his wings( his faithfulness shall be a shield and buckler….You shall not be afraid of any terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day… Please pray that we continue to trust God’s word.
  • Monika – For my younger brother and family to recover from covid 19
  • Jovita – Pray for my oldest, maybe covid-19. She has 4 teens and she’s working to support her family. Now she maybe without work due to her illness. Please pray for her.
  • Marissa – For my nephew Steve and his brother Armando that have been at the hospital fighting Covid-19
  • Michael – My wife has covid-19 and she’s on a ventilator. Please pray for her
  • Helen – Please pray that my PCR Covid 19 test is negative. Also to overcome the pain during my swabbing. I am scared. Pray not just for me but all of my co-workers. Thank you so much
  • Andres I pray for Mr. Andres who is on a ventilator at a hospital from the covid. Please that he can make it safely through the covid in the hospital. That Mr Rocha comes out of the hospital feeling good to go with his family. Thank you for praying for Mr Rocha on his health of being on the ventilator at the hospital due to the covid. In your name Jesus Christ.
  • Raquel – My daddy fighting for his life at hospital.. He has been for 3 days and has contacted virus. He’s my world. My mother is hurting and not allow me to get any info on his well being
  • Michele – That my self and my family do not get the coronavirus. That all that are affected that they are healed
  • Denelda – I need prayer for CB, my friend in the hospital fighting against the Coronavirus. Praying that the Lord touch his body, his weak lungs in the Name of Jesus, so that breathe on his own
  • Gail – Gail has Covid-19 and in very bad shape
  • Gloria – I went out to dine in on Friday with my 2 sisters, brother in law, and husband. We are all seniors and should have been more obedient. I felt we weren’t. Please pray for us that we did not contract anything as we were in Monterey. My husband has a bad heart and I have asthma. Pray for us that we did not catch anything and that we are more obedient to the Lord.
  • Gail – Please pray for me, as I found out I have covid-19 virus.
  • Lola – Please pray for my sister-in-love who’s in the ICU with covid-19.
  • Stacy Please pray for a dear friend that God heals his sick body. He’s fighting to stay alive. Please pray that God will heal his sickness.
  • Federica – For Robert – In hospital with Covid
  • Crystal – Please pray for my finances and to sleep at night
  • Griselda – Please pray for my sons who have Covid
  • Marie – Please pray for my husband Sal who has tested positive for the Covid 19. Please keep myself and our 3 daughter in prayer as we have been exposed, as well. Prayers to all who suffer from this evil virus and all whom work in this field…Amen.
  • Shelly – Please pray for my son Eric, keep him in your hearts and prayers experiencing medical issues, and is going through a tough time, right now. Thank you all for all your prayers. May God bless you all of you!!
  • Rosa – Please pray for my 86 yr old mother that the 2 test for Covid 19 will be negative. Thank you.
  • Rose – Grandson (Josiah) delivered of ASD autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Brilliant, and smart. Normal & articulate. Speaking in sentences. And comprehending with reasoning.
  • Cheryl – Pray that I recover after surgery.
  • Michelle – Pray that my daughter’s covid-19 test tomorrow is negative her name is Liz she’s a nurse. Thank you
  • Bob – I have been dating a widow for over two years. She hits severe grief waves during “anniversary times,” and withdraws into herself. Last year, she “needed space” for several months, and this year, she has pushed me away again, possibly for good. I love this woman in spite of everything and want to be with her. I have prayed ardently for God to heal her heart and allow me back in, but I am losing hope. Per the bible where two or more are gathered in prayer, and assured their prayers will be answered, I ask your group to do that for me. Please pray that she comes back to me ASAP. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Geron – Healing prayers for friend son fighting for his life after being shot 3 times yesterday.
  • Jennifer Please pray for the healing of my son who’s been in hospital and having serious withdrawal symptoms. I am so scared please pray he will get better and get the help he needs to beat this addiction. Covid 19 is keeping us apart, I can’t be with him during this difficult time. Please pray josh will pull through and I have the strength to stay strong for him.
  • Mayla – Please pray for my husband on the result of Covid-19 test.
  • Patty – Please pray for my dad Mario and all the patients dealing with COVID-19 in the HMC hospital second floor, doctors, nurses, maintenance & security personal. They all need God’s healing and protecting hand.
  • Brittany – Help with my addiction.
  • Rita – My nephew David W. needs prayers. He was an induced coma and on respirator since May 6. They said he had a heart attack with no damage to his heart. He now is off all meds that made him go into coma. He does not wake up. Now has infection in gall bladder. Looks like surgery. Please we need prayers for him to wake up and be healthy again. Thank you.
  • Georgia – My husband Chuck is fighting for his life. His body isn’t working without help,
  • Joana – Pray for our work as we turning back to office, protection for my family, friends and neighborhood. Prayers to keep us away from Covid-19.
  • Arthur – Prayer that I will be blessed to be a blessing through music unto the Lord.
  • Raye – My grandson who is having appendix surgery.
  • Anonymous – Please pray for my adult son who has mental health issues and severe alcohol dependence. Recently he tested positive for Covid-19.
  • Raajiv – Please pray for me so that I may get my doctor internship job returned back to me as soon as possible. Thank you for praying for me.
  • Susan – For my friend to forgive me and let me back in her life.
  • Diane – Praying for peace in my household.
  • Jeanette – Please pray for my friend, Ellen Krause, who is undergoing back surgery. Thank you!
  • Nora – Pray for my granddaughter she stress at work short staff 22 people in store
  • Joan – My daughter Lori is in need of prayer right now. She moved to another city and got COVID-19. She is in a motel waiting for the 14-day quarantine. She has a hard time breathing right now. Please say a prayer for her.
  • Chuck – Please keep my daughter in your hearts and prayers as she is going through a very tough time currently. Thank you all!!
  • John – Prayers please for God’s help, Grace, clarity and healing for all family, neighbors, and all coworkers and Dena and family
  • Iris – Pray for my upcoming surgery to go well and to be successful and for protection over me & my family from COVID19 & long healthy life and a better relationship with God
  • Jean – Please pray that a pending sale of my property goes thru and all will be final on June 9th. Thank you so much.
  • Pete – Please pray for God’s blessings in some legal situations that I face. Please pray for His mercy and for the best possible outcomes for me. Please pray that God blesses me with the best possible solution to these matters. Thank you and God bless you.
  • Christine – Please pray a miracle healing prayer for David P. He is in the hospital here in Kentucky. He had a aneurysm in his brain and after surgery he is in a coma and on a ventilator. He is a Sgt in our US Army please pray for him. Thank you all so much
  • Jojo – I was promoted a few months ago and no real training on how to do my job. Pray that God grant me wisdom, understanding and comprehension of the job and that I will lead the staff I am over with excellence and grant me favor with management
  • Grace – We are awaiting a medical test of my daughter please pray that all us ok.
  • Phyllis – Let me be returning with the son. Jeffrey-(thy great will be done, God.) Bless each and every suffering mother and let us receive your grace.
  • Susan – My daughter is in danger of having a stroke in her eyes which will cause her to go completely blind. Can you pray that Jesus will heal her glaucoma? Thank you so much!
  • Donald – I would like a prayer for all people who’ve lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I’ve seen to many full families at street corners begging for food & money. I wish I could help all of them.
  • Janina – For my son. He is going through a very difficult time right now.
  • Jonavan – That when he goes for his check up for Covid-19 he can be negative.
  • Marie – Please God, repair my broken leg correctly.
  • Jan – That my young son will be able to get his unemployment during these desperate times. He was furloughed on his job and has been having problems getting unemployment. Please pray for him to get it.
  • Krista – Please pray for my brother Jim who is seriously ill.
  • Beverly – Brother-in law in very bad shape after a fall. Had a kidney removed and broke several ribs. 76 years old
  • Dee – Unity for my family and step family in Christ. Emotional healing for myself
  • Deloris – My oldest son died in motorcycle accident
  • A & G – For our son, Stephen, for good health and safe travel as he leaves for boot camp today.
  • Elaine Our friend, Lou, is in recovery from a stroke.
  • Dominique For the infected people by the virus and their family
  • Deborah Please continue to pray for my mom, Stephanie. She is 92 years old and dealing with some serious health issues. I am hoping and praying that she does not contract the Coronavirus. Thank you!
  • Jennifer I am a single mother and I ask that you pray for me and my two small children. I worry how I will pay the bills and have a very small support system. I feel everyone has turned their back on me in life and I’m carrying the world on my shoulders. Please pray for strength and blessings for my small family as I need them now more than ever.
  • Mirella My cancer healing
  • Innocine – Please pray for everyone that have family that are fighting coronavirus and for my financial debts. Pray for my love one to improve they health and they financial debts to get better . Please pray for Devin’s to focus on school and to surround himself with positive people. Amen
  • Vincent Pray for Amy E.
  • Maureen – For my daughter Caitlin
  • Barb – Pray for dear friends GZ &JR to continue with healing health
  • Toni – Co worker son and another coworker husband
  • Kathleen – For my family especially my 94 yr old dad that we all make it through this pandemic . Also for all those fighting covid 19 and all those who didn’t make it .please make it soon that it will safe to return to our church
  • Lydia – For help to know where I belong, what I am supposed to be doing? I’m lost.
  • Sharon – Please bless my friends Candy and Elizabeth and Faith and Gloria with the comfort and healing that is god’s will for them. Thank you! Amen
  • KC – Thank you God for the miracles you’ve performed in my husband and daughters lives. If it’s your will, could you have the notice of abnormal Chest CT Scan report I received in the mail today turn out to be nothing too serious. Thank you
  • Cassandra – Health. Family,
  • Sherrie – Our family! Conversion, healings, our Sanctification before God calls us home! Thank you
  • Judith – Two of our children work with covid 19 patients. I ask you please to pray for their safety and continued strength to care for others.
  • Sandy – Our business returns strong and healthy
  • William – Pray for spiritual health of our family
  • Michone – I am asking for prayer for my daughter, Brea. She put her dog of eleven years down, a week ago. It was her baby. She is unable to have children, so it really is like a child to her. She is so sad. Please pray for God to heal her broken heart. Thank you so much and God bless all if you.
  • Anonymous – Salvation for Herb and Dolores
  • Kip – Please pray for healing to my body and for my wife Londa who has hearing disabilities.
  • Peg – Please pray for all the homeless and addicted; especially for my son, Bradley, who is homeless and has been missing for 7 years.
  • Linda – Prayers for us ALL in the world today, as we all pray to overcome this virus and turn back to our Lord
  • Kimberly – Please pray for all of the people of Naples and Marco Island. Pray for my children and let them be strong and find a deep faith in God.
  • Connie – For my physical, spiritual and mental healing thank you and God bless
  • Kennethia – For health and stronger relationship with the Father
  • Donna – Because my son and myself have been diagnosed with different forms of MS and the kids father has just committed suicide.
  • Mark – Help tame the tongue give us continued growth in the Lord pray for my dear friend Shannon. Give her forgiveness, give her wisdom, give her love. Pray for all my sick and suffering brothers throughout the world and addiction and suffering continue to give me the strength to walk in the light of the Lord amen
  • Mary – Please pray that I have the strength to deal with the loneliness of isolation. Thank you!
  • Maureen – Prayers for my daughter
  • Maggs – Desperately need 15lb weight loss for health improvement….struggling
  • LaTashia – Can you please pray that we can find a new place as well as move in to that new place before this month is over as well can you please continue to pray for my family as well for my husband and his safe return back home to us. Please pray that he continue to listen to the lord and hear his message as well that he believe in the lord. in Jesus name amen.
  • Marilyn – For my family members they at are working in the health care field . Christine Lyons, Alicia, Julie
  • Natalie – Spouse Orlando Luis hospitalized with a non resolving infection.
  • Cory – Please at this time request 3 prayers. 1 That my family gets a a sale on our condo so we have a bill of sale shown for builders in SC to build our new dream house. 2. The state doesn’t take away my disability and I’m reinstated continuous payments. 3. I’m able to one day publish my 20 year autobiography in Jesus Christ’s name. Thank you.
  • Sara – Please pray for my daughter Lea’s focus concentration and motivation to successfully finish her senior year of high school online.. thanks and God bless you!
  • Genny – I am waiting for results of 3rd testing for Covid-19.I have been positive last 2 tests. I am living in ASF.
  • Teresa – MY 65 year old brother, Eddie C. has coronavirus and double pneumonia. He’s in a rehab/nursing home in Fairfield, Ohio. Pray for healing and recovery.
  • Maureen – A vaccine for this virus
  • Rebecca – My grandson John and my daughter Vickie, John’s mother.
  • Alfredo – God, you who know what we feel, you who know what we suffered, only your God, who knows everything about us, I ask you for each one, for the needs we have, and you who know what we are going through, please bless us. , and give us the joy of feeling in our hearts, that this is all for a good thing, You know why you do it, I beg you to take care of us and protect us, and keep showing us your love and mercy towards us. Amen
  • Mary Jo – Pray for my adult children Andrea and Nate ..they are both going through challenging times…
  • Carolyn – Please pray for my grandson, Trenton, who is a drug addict.
  • Terry – Safe and healthy delivery of our new granddaughter
  • Kathy – Pray for my daughter in law whose going through very extensive chemo for stage 3 breast cancer
  • Susan – Healing for a lump in my throat
  • Margo – For all the doctors and nurses on the frontline against COVID-19
  • Beverly – My son to find his way to living well with a healthy body, mind and spirit.
  • Ann Marie – Continued healing and recovery 2 days post back surgery
  • Maria – My mother passed away on April 18th. Prayers for my mom, my family and myself during this difficult time.
  • Ruth – Depression increased with our pandemic
  • Nilda – With love for all mankind
  • Susanne – Prayers for a daughter who has manic depressive illness. Thank you
  • Maureen – I need for my husband to be allowed to come home. He wants to be here and we all need him here.
  • Peggy – Please pray for Ed C.
  • Anne – Prayers for Kevin’s health to improve
  • Loretta – Please pray for my family, and for everyone suffering Covid-19
  • Marilyn – That the volunteers of SMH who work so tirelessly to keep everyone fed during this pandemic remain safe & healthy.
  • Jane – For my son to find a job he loves. Thank you
  • Dawn – Please pray for my sister-in-law, Karen, in NJ, suffering a relapse of COVID-19. She and my brother (her caregiver) are very despondent and frustrated. Please pray for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and strengthening of their faith during these difficult times. Thank you.
  • Anne – For my son that he will be safe and find employment and guidance in his career path
  • Donna – My son Brandon who is making choices that are not healthy or good for him and his family. He’s 21 years old and struggling.
  • Josephine – Pray for my husband who is going to get his results from his biopsy this week.
  • Oliver – heal prostate cancer
  • Debbie – Please pray for those who are struggling during this time who are worried about shelter and food.
  • Lydia – for my best friend who has just cleared 2 months clean for her to stay strong in her recovery
  • Mary – For my son who is a struggling man. Please pray for him
  • Sean – I want to pray for you and thank you for the good work that’s laid in front of you for Christ Jesus! Praying for miracle, signs and wonders at St Matthews, Naples FL and all of southwest fl. Be blessed in Jesus name, Amen!
  • Kim – Please pray for me , as I live with an alcoholic. It is very trying in the “normal” life, but becoming unmanageable in the state we are in now. Thank you
  • Susan – We had to lay our grand-daughters horse to rest last week, she is heartbroken!
  • Michael – We have launched a new homeless outreach program – we hired a formally homeless veteran to perform this position – would love prayers for the program and the outreach staff. Thank you and God Bless
  • Theresa – That we will recognize the blessings the virus has brought to us.
  • Beverly – I need God’s guidance to break bad habits
  • Jessica – For Erik- who is struggling with anxiety, depression and addiction during. Please pray he can overcome and live the life he deserves.
  • Sandra – Bring strength to those who are in need
  • Jean – Prayers for my grandmother Theresa . She passed from COVID-19
  • Athena – Please say a prayer for me for God to give me strength. My husband Chris just passed away March 30th from lung cancer. I am feeling very isolated and lost. I appreciate every prayer. Thank you
  • Donna – My daughter Riley is having a hard time with distance learning. She has anxiety and depression and is in danger of not graduating. Please pray for her.
  • Cindy – Pray my business stays steady and I need an affordable place to live that is on a Bus Route and I can keep my 2 dogs. I will pray for others.
  • Barbara – Please pray for daughter and son. Thank you.
  • Carol – For my health and all around well being , &turn in my life for the better
  • Pamela – That my son find hope after Justin’s Place in recovery and stays on the narrow path going to the Father for strength and guidance in all he does. For me to lay this all down before the Lord. Amen
  • Michelle – That the country and world heal quickly from the pandemic, and that the political class begins to WORK TOGETHER for the GOOD of ALL!
  • Nan – My son, Adam, to reunite with his children
  • Ron – For our reconciliation with our son
  • Diane – Pray for my complete recovery from Breast cancer. In treatment now. Thank you so much.
  • Kathleen – Please pray for my husband , Steve for a recovery from has illness.
  • Krystal – Family differences
  • Marlene – Please pray for my family’s physical, spiritual and emotional health.
  • Jim – Our granddaughter Annaleigh She is fighting cancer 18 months
  • Judy – My daughter has had three miscarriages in the past year. She is going thru IVF soon. Please pray for a successful, healthy pregnancy 🙏
  • Sissy – I want Prayer for more public displays thru the news and media about Christ. I have heard God’s name and seen more heads bowed in prayer then the tv stations would ever allow/edit before. We need to give this world back to God and let him heal and restore not only our land but his people. Let’s all pray for this PLEASE!
  • Maggie – Please pray for my daughter that she recognizes the hurt we are encountering as a family by depriving us of her presence and that of her children. They are hurting big time and they are welcome in our lives anytime.
  • Patricia – You can pray for my family to be safe.
  • Sal – Gilda, Sam, Fran, & Gerry! Prays that all of us stay healthy and sane during this pandemic!
  • Kathleen – The total healing and restoration of Al C., and Susanne G.
  • Sandi – Cancer. Not curable, but treatable.
  • Donna – Financial provision. I’m a single mom. Salvation for my children. 🙂
  • Agnes – For my daughter Miranda Perkins and my son in law Teon who works at the hospital and all health workers at this time of Covid 19
  • Kelly – My 84 yr old mother Gladys is at NCH with complications of gallbladder surgery Healing prayers Amen!
  • Grace – Regina my mother, pray that all her bones pains goes away so she can sleep well after many years. She have suffered for many years.
  • Opeyumi – I need God to heal me, provide for me financially
  • Amy – Prayers for my good friend and her daughter , who will turn 24 Monday and has struggled with drug abuse for a decade. She is beautiful and needs our prayers
  • Mellitsa – I‘m a Nurse need prayer of protection for my self and family
  • Marion – I have just been diagnosed with COVID-19. Please pray that the Lord will heal me completely and not allow it into my lungs. A total healing in Jesus’ Name, please. Thank you for praying.
  • Gloria – My brother-in-law was tested positive for COVID-19
  • Peg – I pray that my son, Bradley, who is mentally ill, homeless and missing is safe during this time of pandemic and that he will call me so I can help him.
  • Fred – Pray for my 14 year old granddaughter going through anxiety , during this COVID-19
  • Kim – Please pray for my sister Annie. Annie has COVID-19 and has been in the hospital for 27 days. She has been on a Ventilator for 24 days. We are praying she wakes up and makes it through this. Ask God for his healing hands to be put on her to remove this virus from her lungs. Annie suffers from COPD but I don’t believe her work here on earth is over yet. Annie has suffered so much pain in her life. 10 years ago she lost her son Paulie to suicide and has suffered with this pain for 10 years. She has been fighting for her life for 24 days now and I know she is a fighter. Please pray for her.
  • Paula – Please pray for Ruth my friend mom who was just rushed to the hospital she has COVID-19. Please pray to keep my mother in law safe during this time. And please pray for Grace, a grocery clerk at the local market who is very sick with COVID-19. Thank you
  • Chris – For their well being as they’re alone during this time
  • Anonymous – For Arlene to fully recover from COVID 19 and get off ventilator and dialysis today
  • Debbie – Pray for my daughter Bernadette. ICU nurse in New Orleans
  • Matt – Asking that the State fixes the unemployment system so those without jobs get some income.
  • Jean – Please pray that my little dog, Bentley, and I make it home safely to Pittsburgh this coming Sunday. Also, that my friend, who is driving my car to Pittsburgh has a safe trip. Thank you.
  • Emily – For Jim
  • Denise – Protection
  • Claire – For my son who is having severe depression issues
  • Martha – Would like to pray for President Trump and our country
  • Maybelle – Safety from this virus for myself and my family also for my patient and her family also
  • Norma – Please pray for my daughter who has stage 4 lung cancer. That the immunotherapy will continue to work for her and the side effects will go away and that her MRI and CT scans will be good. Thank you
  • Debbie – Waiting on virus test. Please pray for me.
  • Lisa – Just for the strength
  • Rita – My sons health as he is undergoing extensive cancer chemotherapy. Keep him safe. Help him become cancer free. Protect him from the coronavirus
  • Anonymous – Pray for my husband who is in the hospital
  • Cyndi – Kerry and Anna coronavirus and on ventilators doctors can do no more for them.
  • Rudy – Please pray for my son Rudy Jr. with his life struggles
  • CC – Please pray for a loved one to be delivered from substance abuse and depression and return home to family. Thanks
  • Rob – Not for me, I’m doing ok. My friend Mary is a single mom with two kids and she’s just gotten sick. Please join me in asking for her to be healed quickly and for her to find some relief from her financial crisis. She works so hard and rarely complains about anything. Please pray for her. Thank you!
  • Loretta – Please pray for my family, and for all suffering the effects of this virus, whether physically, emotionally, or financially. Thank you
  • Richard – Anne, daughter. 
  • Jeri – Thanking St. Matthew’s for all they do and for the blessings of Father Orsi who partakes in St. Matthew’s.
  • Louis – Please pray for our family, our friends, the world thank you
  • Steve – Our daughter is scheduled to move from Richmond VA to Minneapolis MN the week of April 19. Praying for the Lord to watch over her and me as we pack, drive, unpack and get her settled that week. Thank you
  • Frank – My cancer stays in remission
  • Joan – For God’s gift of strength as my son continues his recovery after rehab!
  • Ruth – My marriage & relationships with my children
  • Deborah – Please pray for my mom, Stephanie. She is 92 years old and dealing with some serious health issues. I am hoping and praying that she does not contract the Coronavirus. Thank you!
  • Jacques – Pray this virus stop killing people in world please we’re so tire with this pandemic
  • Nancy – My brother Tim works at Publix and is exposed daily to the risk of COVID-19 when people are not practicing social distancing or health measures. He is also just recovering from hernia surgery and the high levels of grocery purchases have been hard on him. Please pray for his health , for Publix to put measures into place to protect all their employees and for people to be respectful and thoughtful of others regardless of their personal beliefs. Thank you.
  • Jerri – Please pray for healing for Ellie’s eyesight (7 yr old)
  • Kathleen – We HAVE to travel to Iowa on Monday. Thank you!
  • Beata – I am a nurse, please pray that I and my family remain healthy so I can care for my patients and my children. Thank you.
  • Twila – My cousins 15 yr old grandson, Isaac, who has covid-19 symptons. He is a godly influence in his school. St. Paul Minneapolis is short on test kits, equip, & beds so he was not able to be admitted at the childrens hospital.
  • Diane – Please pray for my birth-mom, Susan, who is in a CT hospital suffering with Corona virus.
  • Joaan – Please pray for my and my husbands health. He has type 2 diabetes and hypertension. I have type 2 diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease. please pray for our renewed health and complete healing. I will be praying for everyone at St. Matthews House too. God Bless you and thank you for praying for us! Amen
  • Cyntoria – I have lupus and with pandemic going on I refuse to go to the hospial…mainly I been having chest n back pain I do have a leaky heart valve so it could be coming from that or my lungs or gas w.e it may be pray for me please…thank you
  • Dee – Nephew Jim gets a good job with benefits. Keeps growing closer in obedience to our Lord. Thank you and God bless you all and keep you safe, praying for all of you with thanksgiving
  • JLP – Family rift
  • Mary – For all who are suffering from this virus may they find much peace and love
  • Andrea – Please pray for our health care people who are working on the front lines for their safety
  • Barbara – Pray for Christopher, ER physician in Tampa who has tested positive. Thank you.
  • Judy – That God will give Matt the strength to stay off drugs after rehab .Bless you all
  • Sharon – Need prayers please for healing. Need cardiac catherization and cannot have done right now at hospital with virus concerns. Please pray for complete healing so test shows no problems and complete healing. All through Jesus!
  • Brenda – Lower blood pressure
  • Alicia – My husband Neal died unexpectedly after receiving treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in a trial. Neal died at Moffitt Cancer Center Hospital on the 19th of March, 2020. Since then my 19 year old daughter has lost her father and I have lost my husband of 20 years. Neal went unconscious so I did not know until that moment that he was dying. He coded and they tried to bring him back but couldn’t. We are desperate for prayers for Neal, Jessica my daughter, and myself, Alicia. I need help dealing with the anxiety and grieving process. We are both in our home and cannot be around others but I talk on the phone to my mother in Naples. Jessy and I are heartbroken. Please pray for us!!! We are hurting so much…Thank you and God Bless You!!!
  • Nilda – For my grandson and all first responders
  • Jean – Continued strengthening my faith to trust in God. Prayer for my children to be strong during this and turn to God. Prayer for our leaders and healthcare worker. For a treatment for this disease and vaccine
  • Ann – Pray for my nephew, his wife and three children. They are young and wonderful and must be here for the future!
  • Margaret – Pray that my family is spared. My son has an autoimmune disease.
  • Karen – prayers of well being for all healthcare and responders
  • Tracy – My sister is homeless. Are there any shelters that provide for homeless people who have a dog? She doesn’t want to give up get golden retriever but she has no where to go now that the parks are closed. She is drug and alcohol free. She’s experiencing mental and financial concerns. She has been homeless for 3 months.
  • Marta – Please pray for my brother in law, in Ecuador, suffering from Covid-19 He is in terrible shape
  • Sherrie – Please pray for my hospital and coworkers on the front lines of the Covid crisis
  • Agnes – That I be strong thru this time in our life
  • Agnes – That my family (3)girls can get through this time.
  • Ann – Please pray for the health of my husband and myself and my family and friends. God Bless you all Thank you
  • Sherrie – Prayers for our family please. My greatest prayer that if any of my large family gets sick we can get The Sacraments before we die ! Last rites. Thank you for your prayers! Sent a donation in the mail today. God Bless. Sherrie +++
  • Ann – for the end of those ill and dying from the corona virus
  • Anonymous – Donna who contacted Sepsis Shock from a simple biopsy is now in critical condition.prayers for her healing.
  • Ann – Pray that family and friends accept the current reality of the threat to everyone and do their part to help.
  • Rosa – Healing for William 49yrs: under going chemo for an aggressively speading cancer. Thank you
  • Rebecca – Please pray for all my family. But especially my Grand son John and my Daughter (his Mother) Vickie that they can health and Peace.
  • Sallie – Salvation for my whole family
  • Andi – Thank you for your prayers for health for my family. I will be praying for all of you as well!
  • Alison – For my Mom and all others In the world
  • Karen – Pray for peace and discernment. Pray for my children, Alex,Deen Mark Afton, Ricardo and Anton. Pray for the world. We need you. Pray I find a house to live in
  • Josephine – Please pray for my husband is going to have a biopsy next week to check for cancer.
  • Christine – I suffer from depression and anxiety. I live alone and I feel like im going crazy . Ive tried to go for walks and keep busy but i still feel terrible . I cant imagine doing this for a month. I try to sleep a lot to get by. I have no motivation. I wish i had a better attitude.
  • Ron – God bless you for your concern and good works ! !
  • Jean – Pray for a safe delivery of Grayson
  • Tania – Prayer for my daughters one in New York and the other in California they are both with their children at home and the one in California has a three month old baby and a five year old and is struggling with her mental well being.
  • Mary – Please pray for my husband Joseph. He was operated on at Physicians Regional and now he is rehab. He has dymensia and doesn’t know what’s going on. Thank you
  • Betty – Please pray for my brother Lauren for healing from colon cancer. Also pray that he be protected from any type of infection. Thank you!
  • Derek – Pray for our homeless addict son – for healing, salvation and peace
  • Edye – Pray that my tendinitis heals and that I am able to cockle this my unemployment benefits to pay my bills
  • Sharie – My cousins, Leslie, Air Force in MD hospitalized with pneumonia yesterday morning — COVID-19 positive
  • Jean – Pray that John survives this virus snd comes home to me
  • Shea – That a door would open for me landing the job opportunity I’ve been applying fir and that my resumes finds favor
  • Tania – Prayer for someone that is all alone and very scared has stage 4 colon cancer that metastized to the liver. He is alone and scared.
  • Bonnie — We’re fine, just trusting the Lord’s protection and provision. Please pray for President Trump’s faith, courage and resilience in the face of so much evil being cast at him. The wicked will get their rewards! THANK YOU! ! !
  • Mary – For my grandson struggling with addiction
  • Wanda – My husband Gene needs all the prayers possible to heal his body or to face a quiet peaceful crossing from this life to another
  • Pamela – Protect the world from COVID 19
  • Alma – For health and strength to continue serving my community and family during such trying times
  • Yvonne – My Friend Marijke in the Netherlands, she just had an operation for breast cancer. Prayers to see her happy and healthy and free of fear knowing she is One with God, Seeing her living her inspired life in the light of truth and in deep appreciation of everything. Thank you so much! Blessings
  • Jessie – Prayers for all the workings of St. Matthews House to continue strong as well the faith of us all in these challenges.
  • Nancy – Pray for all the people in the world during this virus
  • Kathy – My son and daughter-in-law need prayers that their newborn baby girl is born healthy through all the illness of these days and the days ahead.
  • Sarah – My best friend, Chris, is at Physician’s Regional in serious condition. Thank you
  • N – My son has been diagnosed with throat cancer
  • Mary – my children have to travel to WI to clear out their father’s condo in order for it to be sold. Please pray for safe travels, safe packing and safe return to their families. Thank you
  • Susan – My health during the pandemic and my brother Darryl who is infected by it.
  • Mildred – Please pray for my nephew Samuel who tested positive to the coronavirus…he’s a Radiologist!
  • Paige – Prayer warriors, ask that I stay focused and Finish what I start. I ask that we all praise His miracles that are too powerful not to praise
  • Joan – My niece, alone in Fairbanks, Alaska, was just put in quarantine. Lord, please help her and others stay healthy.
  • S – Having cardiac stress test tomorrow. Believing nothing wrong. Please pray for peace of mind; the Lord’s peace and comfort and 100% heart health. Thank you. God bless.
  • Rene – My mother who’s 80 has COPD and heart disease was just admitted to the hospital with respiratory conditions
  • Cecelia—For her sons, Mark & David, to return to their faith
  • Judy—For Gene, who has some mental health issues
  • Elizabeth—For her friend, Sandra, whose nephew, Orlas, who died last week
  • Rebbeca—For her son’s girlfriend, Lely, a nurse who has the COVID-19 virus
  • Beth & David—For Alan, Mildra, and Shiane—who is a nurse at NCH
  • Donald & Norma—For Eugene, who is in an addiction recovery program up north
  • Mary—For my heart disease and the Coronavirus
  • Linda—Please pray for my dear friend Joe who is fighting to regain his life after emergency surgery
  • Sandra—Please pray for may 97 year old WWII Navy Veteran Mom and the rest of the residents in her assisted living center, that they stay healthy and safe. And for all the other elderly in their care facilities. 
  • Trish—Please pray that I can find my way back to living in my own home someday soon, thank you!
  • Joann—I am asking for prayers for my health. I have diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease. Please pray, if it is God’s will, a miraculous healing. Amen.
  • Lorraine—Please pray for my nephew Chris to be strong
  • Marilyn—I ask that you keep former Justin’s Place graduates in your prayers. Many of them were already struggling financially and now they have lost employment.
  • Carolyne—Please pray for my family and I to survive this time of panic. I am currently on antibiotics for pneumonia. Thank you and God bless.
  • Nina—Please pray for Cafe of Life to continue providing basic human necessities to people in Bonita Springs
  • Kathy—Salvation for our unsaved family
  • Diane—Pray that our granddaughter Belle with asthma will not get this virus
  • Patricia—Prayers for my family
  • Jean—Health and wellness for family and friends. Pray for mental well-being during this stressful time
  • Tara—Homeless son in Atlantic City, NJ. For safety, health, and a way out of his situation
  • Aireal—For everyone is this time of need, trusting in God and to be strong and courageous. Also, to bite my tongue and truly find myself in this time by being obedient to Gods word
  • Toni—For a family member, Ana, who has cancer
  • Helga—For her husband, Joe, in memory care
  • Carol—My dad just found out today that he has cancer.  With everything that is going on around us and worrying about my dad has caused so much anxiety.  I ask for peace from our loving God and need prayer that my dad will come out on the other side with God’s grace, love and healing power.  May our faith, hope, and love see us through.  Amen. Thank you again for caring
  • Joel—That God will give me a vision of what he wants me to do
  • Milton—To open our ‘Houses of Worship.’  We need community togetherness in a time such as this
  • Timothy—For Iris, that she finds a place to live
  • Dee—Unify and save the relationships in our families. Thank you, and may God keep you all safe and bless you
  • Rebecca—Grandson, John, his health is not good and he is in lots of pain. Possibly suffering from PTSD. Pray for peace for his Mother
  • Linda—For my son who is mentally ill and homeless in Tulsa. He is physically ill also. He just wanders the streets all night and sleeps during the day behind a dumpster because he is afraid other people will hurt him or steal his few belongings. I have no way of contacting him because he doesn’t have a phone or address. I fear he is too frail to survive a serious illness  He is 52. He used to be an outstanding fireman
  • Lucille—For son, Jack, who has been in the hospital and rehab since December, 23. He’s fighting, prayer for strength
  • Flora Lee—My 83-year-old husband who fights CLL leukemia. Pray he doesn’t pick up any bad germs on our flight home early this Thursday and all connections are easy to MN from Ft. Meyers
  • Delia—For my sons, that they are relieved of financial stress. Pray also for healing in the world right now
  • Marisa—Justice, family, grandson, and children
  • Silvia—Prayer against an unjust lawsuit and people who are lying to take something that belongs to me
  • Diane—Prayer for my granddaughter who is on drugs and nobody knows where she is. Prayer for salvation and safety
  • Pam—That God’s will be done and I am cured of Guillain-Barré Syndrome
  • Kennethia—Prayer for my daughter, Kennethia to have guidance in all her endeavors financially, housing, and most importantly spiritual growth
  • Mindy—For everyone to continue to be healthy and for the COVID-19 to be short-lived. For the nurses, Dr.s, and first responders to be safe and healthy. For my son who has compromising conditions to stay on his road to better health after spending a week in the ICU for pneumonia. For my mom to stay healthy and safe especially now as we just lost my father less than 2 months ago.
  • Colette—My husband is having cancer surgery and we are praying for his speedy recovery. Also for the grace he will need from the HS to keep a faithful and grateful attitude
  • Kathy—Pray for my sister Mary Ann who has a compromised immune system, that she may remain healthy
  • Mary—For Ira, bravely battling Pancreatic cancer
  • Rita—For peace
  • Tina—For grandson in trouble with the law and on drugs
  • Lydia—Return of employment security for family members
  • Kathleen—Prayers for total healing and restoration from encephalitis for Alfred
  • Patricia & Peter—For our daughter
  • Sandra—Prayer for me that my coronavirus test comes back negative. My husband has heart problems, and my daughter and husband are in the house with me
  • Wanda—For husband’s health
  • Terri—For my daughter to be set free from drug addiction. For her to truly know how valued she is by God, and her family. Prayers that her heart would be healed from so much trauma and pain. Lastly, for prayer that she will be able to care for her children with all the love and care they all deserve. Complete healing and restoration! 
  • Eileen—Prayers for my son and his family who just arrived home from out of the country. They are self-quarantined for two weeks. Prayers that they do not have, and do not carry the coronavirus
  • Carol—Prayer for healing of the world and the turning to Divine Love
  • Sylvia—Prayers to bring Duane safely back to Naples
  • Nicole—Prayer for my 18-yr-old son who suffers from depression and anxiety.  He needs to find a purpose in his life that will give him the motivation to get up every day and live his life
  • Brenda—Prayer that God heals this nation, and many others around the world
  • Julie—Prayers for me and the vulnerable elderly
  • Linda—Health and safety of my family and friends during these difficult times. Safe travels for myself and friend
  • Elaine—For my mother, Dolores, who is 91 and blind. We pray that she stays healthy
  • Joan—Pray that something will be found to stop the coronavirus
  • Herb—My brother in law has a very serious life-threatening neurologic condition called CJD. Please pray for him as he is going through some very difficult times
  • Laurie—My 63-year-old sister-in-law is in critical condition with COVID-19 in Long Island hospital and is now getting blood transfusions.  Her husband & niece are also positive and quarantined at home.  Please help us pray for their recovery.  Thank you for providing this public prayer platform!  God help us. 
  • Antoinette—Prayers for our son that he finds employment
  • Jean—Keep my family safe, the birth of my grandson, and for some family that is traveling
  • Gina—That our beautiful home in Naples that we rent out will continue to stay filled with our guests that planned vacation. For the virus to go away and help for all of us to get back to our normal life
  • Sharon—For my grandson, Jacob, who has cystic fibrosis, whose lungs are compromised by the disease.  He is especially susceptible to the disastrous results of the coronavirus.  Please pray this pandemic will soon abate and please ask our Lord to look after cystic fibrosis victims and all who are at special risk
  • Paul—For my son, who is a doctor, and all medical personnel who are placing their own safety at risk to serve those who are afflicted with this disease
  • Alicia—For my mom, family, and friends. Bless the entire world and help those who have contracted the virus
  • Jill & Gary—That the Lord keeps us focused on him, and that our faith is increased by his strength during this trying time. Prayer for his will in all area’s of our lives
  • Val—Pray for both my husband Paul and myself.  We are both in our mid 70’s and have health issues which would be very bad if we contracted the coronavirus
  • Sheila—PRAYER FOR A PANDEMIC: May we who are merely inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who have no risk factors remember the most vulnerable. May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent. May those who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close, remember those who have no options. May we who have to cancel our trips remember those that have no safe place to go. May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market remember those who have no margin at all. May we who settle in for quarantine at home remember those who have no home. As fear grips our country, let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors. Amen
  • Lisa—For Lisa who has a fractured back and a pending lawsuit
  • Lee—Prayers that son, Matthew, gets a job soon
  • Darlene—Prayers for my son-in-law was just diagnosed with MS. He is not doing well. Could you please pray that the doctors would come up with a suitable medication that would give him a near-normal way of living? He has 4 school-age sons who love and adore him and he’s very much needed. Thank you and God bless!
  • Josephine—For my mom, Connie, who is 84, my husband Joe, and my sons Jonathan and Andrew. Prayers all stay free from the virus
  • Debbie—For my mom and sister
  • Gail—That my daughter won’t contract the virus. She is 27 and has COPD, it will kill her. Prayers also for her 3-year-old daughter
  • Athena—Please pray for my husband, Chris. He’s in the hospital with lung problems due to treatment for lung cancer. Also, keep my friends and me healthy so we can help him and others
  •  Laura—For the safety and well-being of my family, for everyone directly or indirectly affected by illness. For the return of healthy balance in this world
  • Nancy—For my granddaughter who is really sick with something. We are waiting for a diagnosis. Prayer for answers and healing
  • Mary—My son who is struggling with addiction. Please, Lord God, help him find a way to sobriety!
  • Jim—That we find the wisdom and trust to lean on God and not our own human understanding
  • Vicky—Please pray for my mother-in-law, Margaret. She’s been quarantined to her room at her memory care facility with a low-grade fever and upper respiratory issues. Thank you and God bless. 
  • Diane—Please keep us safe and healthy. Please let there be a vaccine for this virus. Please keep our son safe and well in Michigan.
  • Amy—Prayers for my son who is out of work due to COVID-19. He has four young children to feed and clothe. For him to find work
  • Charlotte—For the COVID-19 virus to disappear from our earth!
  • June—For the people without friends, food, a home to shelter in, who feel invisible and worthless
  • Renee—Healing for a friend, Debbie, and her husband. Pray to ease their anxiety
  • Patricia—Prayers for our President and guidance for our nation
  • Susan—For a friend and on-site maintenance man, Gary, who is in need of a liver transplant. Please pray for that God heals and finds help for him soon
  • Tedia—Please keep my family, friends, and community in prayer
  • Winkie—For my sister’s 3-year-old grandson who is going in for a bone marrow transplant soon. Also, pray for Webb
  • Beatrice—To provide for and protect me and my family and a very special friend
  • Cathy—For my husband, Dan, he just got bad news concerning an MRI on his brain. I’m very worried about him. Thank you all very much for your prayers
  • Liz—For health and safety for our family and for everyone else. Prayers for my mom as she seeks to find a house and move down here
  • Mary—Please ask God’s angels to watch over my four immunocompromised children, and grandchildren as well. Prayers for all those who are vulnerable at this time
  • Donna—For our family and relatives
  • Annette—My son, Michael, who is in a nursing facility
  • Monica—My 22-year-old son who sprained his ankle this weekend.  He’s off work—when he doesn’t work, he doesn’t get paid. Please pray we manage well financially for the upcoming weeks. He lives on his own, pays his own bills, responsible guy, and I’ll help him every way I can- financially, and every other way, but I also take care of his 2 other siblings, besides, I work full time too
  • Bernard & Nancy—For friend Ginnie who is paralyzed
  • Sheridan & Alyce—For him, Sheridan
  • Douglas—For Marion, her brother, Merle, who has dementia
  • Savino & Marguerite—For a friend, Winnie, who is suffering from Myasthenia gravis
  • Ronald & Andrea—Chester who is having knee surgery
  • David & Carolyn—For David and Carol
  • Janice—For herself, Janice, and for her sister-in-law, Carol
  • Vincent & Carol—For her husband Jim
  • Donald—For Sandy in Louisville and Tertry in St. Louis
  • Gail—For her husband, David
  • Carol—For a family whose father just passed away
  • John & Susan—For his wife, Susan
  • Peggy—For her daughter, Tina, who is sick
  • Diane & Diane—For her daughter-in-law, Cecilia, who is battling breast cancer
  • Jack & Judy—For her sister-in-law Margeret and for Mike
  • Leslie & Drew—For Jim and Pat
  • Charlie & B. J.—For her friend, Terry, who is not well
  • Jose & Bridget—For a friend, Tony, who has just suffered a stroke
  • Carl—For him, who is very sick
  • Benjamin & Valerie—For his mother, Louise, who is 91 and ill
  • William—For his parents and wife’s parents, who are all in the ’90s
  • James—For him, Jim
  • Cathy—For Helen and Cathy for better health
  • Frederick & Leslie—For his granddaughter, Grace, who has had several surgeries and is very fragile
  • Isabel—For his mother, Betty, and his mother-in-law, Antonia
  • Jill—For her son, David, and daughter, Abbey, who have lost their faith
  • Burrill & Elizabeth—For her daughter, Dennise
  • Barbara & Anthony—For her grandson, Brandon
  • Ida & Harry—For her son, Jeff, and her daughter, Sandy, who are having difficulties
  • Dale—For her friend, Nancy
  • Jean—For her, Jean, who is in a lot of pain due to back issues
  • Wayne & Diana—For Amanda, who has drug and mental health issues
  • Michael & Catherine—For Anne
  • Douglas & Lunda—For her husband, Douglas, who is ill. For her father, Bill, age 99 and a WW2 vet, whose health is failing
  • Cassandra—For her sister, Cindy, who needs a job
  • Doreen—For her, Doreen
  • Louise—For son, Michael
  • Sharon—For her daughter, Vicki, who is an alcoholic and has been in Justin’s Place at some point
  • Hal & Lou—For his friend, Dave, who is very sick
  • Carolyn—For her son-in-law, Eric, who is an alcoholic
  • Joe—For his wife who just passed away
  • Judy & Joseph—For Michael
  • Claire & Stanley—For her friend, Tammy, whose son was electrocuted and is in a Tampa hospital
  • Margaret—For her sister, Maureen, who passed away recently
  • Edward & Ingrid—For his father-in-law, Eric, who passed away recently
  • John & Marilyn—For Joseph, who has severe lung disease
  • Donna—For her husband, Neil, who is about to have open-heart surgery
  • Linda—For her mother-in-law, Charlotte, who is not doing well
  • Richard & Antoinette—For his friend, Gerry, who passed away a year ago
  • Cheryl & Mark—For her son, Daniel
  • Kathleen & James—For her daughter, Margeret, who is pregnant and that it all goes well
  • Nancy & Rod—For safe travels
  • Cathee—For her daughter-in-law, Catherine, who has lumps in her breast
  • Martha—For her son, George, who is in recovery in Atlanta
  • Fred & Pat—For her uncle, Don, who is sick
  • Susan & Charles—For them. They just lost their son
  • Timothy—He just started a law practice in FL. Pray for success
  • Robert & Shirley—For her husband, Robert, who is very sick
  • Gary & Cheryl—For Ernie, who has cancer
  • Mary & Robert—For her husband, Bob
  • Carol—For Lisa and Alexa

Do you need prayer? Reach out now!


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Video Reels As we begin our recovery efforts helping the community rebuild, Bill Curry, VP of Development, takes a moment to address the aftermath of Hurricane Milton and invite you to support our work in Southwest Florida.

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