Justin’s Place Grad Speaks Out On International Overdose Awareness Day

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August 31 marks a somber day for many: International Overdose Awareness Day.

St. Matthew’s House mourns the lives of all those lost to overdose, prays for the families and individuals affected by an overdose, and pledges to do our part to continue helping those who struggle with drug addictions and substance abuse.

One way St. Matthew’s House continues helping those who struggle with addiction is through our Justin’s Place program. Since it began in 2010, over 600 individuals have graduated from the Justin’s Place addiction and recovery program. One of these graduates, Nixon Julien Jr. recently shared his story with ABC7.

According to Julien, St. Matthew’s House saved his life and helped him get to where he is today — a thriving member of the community and manager of a local business.

For the full story on Nixon Julien Jr. and his triumph over addiction, click here.

If you or someone you know struggles with drug addiction or substance abuse, know that there is hope. Visit our Get Help page for more information.

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