Give thanks in all circumstances

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Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

Thanksgiving Day is here! Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed the overflowing kindness and generosity of the Southwest Florida community. We will serve a record number of people through our turkey distributions and Thanksgiving meals this year. As of November 21, we have distributed over 1,700 turkeys to the most needy and vulnerable among us.  We have received over 1,100 additional turkeys on top of the 1,500 provided by Capital Wealth Advisors.   If you’d like to learn more about all of our Thanksgiving activities, click here for a recap.

A Placemat of Hope

On Thanksgiving Day, those who visit the Campbell Lodge in Naples for turkey and all of the fixings will be served by volunteers at their table.  At each table setting will be a placemat created by a local student, volunteer, or supporter. Ken, a former St. Matthew’s House resident, wrote this personal note on the placemat he mailed in:

Just a little hope and encouragement for your Thanksgiving!  I just celebrated 32 years clean and sober in August of 2018.  In July of 1998, I moved to the Naples area from Ohio.  I soon lost my job and went on unemployment. I was broke and homeless and found myself as a resident of St. Matthew’s House.  I was really blue, but through it all I kept my sobriety.  Believe me, I know the true meaning of Thanksgiving!

I now have a home in Estero which would not have been possible if I picked up a drink. I am grateful for sobriety!  I’ve retired after 11 years of employment at a popular Naples company. I obtained this job while I was a resident at St. Matthew’s House.

Hope your day is good!  Don’t drink! Go to meetings!

Ken – Former Resident of St. Matthew’s House, Bunk #39

We hope you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!



Thanksgiving Recap

Annual Turkey Drop

Naples Turkey Distribution Recap

Fort Myers Turkey Distribution Recap


St. Matthew’s House in the News

Collier nonprofit groups cook hundreds of Thanksgiving meals for residents

Editorial: Kudos for caring about the hungry on this Thanksgiving

St. Matthew’s House needs your help to provide Thanksgiving for thousands

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